Official Statement Re: MRCP(UK) Exam Results Issue
We wish to share our statement following the news of the MRCP(UK) Exam Issue
We wish to share our statement following the news of the MRCP(UK) Exam Issue
The Voyage – Full Steam Ahead! The 50th anniversary conference in Titanic Centre Belfast, Northern Ireland
Submit a bid for a small grant to support our theme: ‘Creating the space to thrive: Empowering Educational Supervisors to Deliver Exceptional Training’
UK risks ‘sleepwalking’ into a waste of doctor’s skills GMC Chief Executive warns – Press Release 28 Nov 2024
We are delighted to introduce you to our new Toolkit for Valuing Medical Educators
Our Medical Educators Awards continue with our focus on supporting you as medical educators.
The Autumn newsletter is now ready to view
We wish to show our support to all colleagues in relation to the dreadful scenes of violence and hatred that have unfolded in towns and cities across the country
GMC Report published August 2024
We are proud to announce our official support for all SAS doctors. As dedicated advocates for their invaluable contributions, we are also pleased to officially support the SASsix and the SAS Collective.
Read NHS England and NHS WTE’s letter to trust leaders with a requirement for renewed focus on improving the lives of working doctors.
The GMC have published research on retention of doctors, investigating the trends of international migration. 13% of doctors practising in the UK who answered reported being likely to move abroad in the next 12 months and there was a gap between intention and action.
The West Midlands Dean’s office hosted over 100 local multi-professional senior leaders. The event was supported by the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the GMC.
The 2nd annual meeting on Tackling Inequalities at the Royal Society of Medicine focused on doing so through innovation and entrepreneurship.
Read about the work that has been going on and is to come in the enhancing doctors working lives report.
In response to the GMC 2023 State of training report Medical Education Leaders UK have developed the
standards for best practice for valuing medical educators.
Read the report at
Join the conversation using #StateOfMed
The future of the workforce, education & training
Report on addressing sexual misconduct in healthcare
For the range of professionals in primary and community care
GMC release first update to the professional standards in 10 years, with important points on culture, discrimination, speaking up and behaviours. They have written to trainers, recognising the important and valuable role they play in supporting doctors.
Provisionally registered doctors (foundation year one/F1) must not undertake formal locum posts or activities
Read Helen Cattermole’s article covering what has changed, why are GP Training needs different? How can secondary care Trusts and educators support the training of our primary care colleagues?
You are invited to participate in a study investigating the efficacy of a needs assessment tool for returning doctors to promote a successful return
In Feb 2023 Health Education England and Disabled Students Commission (DSC) released Joint Ambition
Postgraduate Dean for the West Midlands and Midlands Regional Dean retired on 31st March 2023 after 8 years in post
Latest data published by the GMC
Health Inequalities conference hosted by RSM – Read Prof Helen Steed’s article
The Medical Education Reform Programme within Health Education England are pleased to inform you that a report on year two of the Extended Surgical Teams (EST) Pilot has now been published.