Supporting quality and educational capacity

Home 9 Articles 9 Supporting quality and educational capacity

by | Sep 1, 2023 | Articles, News

The ASME conference 2023 was a great opportunity for educators from a range of backgrounds to think creatively in a workshop around approval and support for multi professional educators in primary care. This comes at a very topical time, given the long term workforce plan, when we are challenged to increase training capacity and retention for the range of professional groups in all sectors.

The group attending were small, but represented those still in training, educators in early mid and late stages of their careers and from environments such as HEIs, practices and trusts. 

The workshop was led by Medical Education Leaders UK and was highly interactive, with a chance to create aspirations and plans for the participants spheres of influence to increase education for the full range of professionals.

The attached video shows the opportunities we have around quality and capacity for education in primary care.

Click here to watch video

Rachel Roberts and Simon Frazer

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