Distribution of Medical Specialty Training – Your Views needed!

Home 9 News 9 Distribution of Medical Specialty Training – Your Views needed!

by | Apr 17, 2023 | News

NHS England (and previously Health Education England) are delivering the Distribution of Medical Specialty Training Programme. This focuses on ensuring NHSE funding for training posts is shared equitably across the country based on the needs of the local population. This work will support patients and the wider NHS by ensuring that they have the appropriate number of doctors in the places where they are needed and narrowing health inequalities.

There are wide ranging opinions about the impact of this programme on current and future training, the wider workforce, and the public. With that in mind, NHS England would like to invite postgraduate doctors in training (FY1 – ST8) to take part in a focus group to explore your views. The aim of the focus groups is to incorporate your feedback into programme planning as well as in future communications with doctors in training. You may also be invited to in-person local focus groups via your trust, if you do attend a face to face event, you do not need to sign up for a virtual session.

NHS England know that everyone is exceptionally busy, but would really value your participation and opportunity to hear your views. The focus groups will take place on MS Teams on:

  • Tuesday 16 May from 6.30pm – 7.30pm
  • Thursday 18 May from 12:30pm – 1.30pm

It would help management of the events if you can express an interest for attending Tuesday 16 May or Thursday 18 May.

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