Supporting Leaders in Medical Education
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Representing POSTGRAduate Medical education
Medical Education Leaders UK champion improvements in medical education and its leadership; with training, up to date information and policy advice across the UK.
We’ve changed our trading name from NACT UK to help people understand who we are and what we do.
We have launched our 2025 Small Grants Call click here to find out more
The latest updates for all Medical Education Leaders.
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Insights from Medical Education Leaders
FY1 Doctors & Locum Work
Provisionally registered doctors (foundation year one/F1) must not undertake formal locum posts or activities
GP Trainees in Secondary Care
Read Helen Cattermole’s article covering what has changed, why are GP Training needs different? How can secondary care Trusts and educators support the training of our primary care colleagues?
Calling all doctors returning to clinical work
You are invited to participate in a study investigating the efficacy of a needs assessment tool for returning doctors to promote a successful return