Valuing Medical Educators – Small Grants Call £5,000

Home 9 Articles 9 Valuing Medical Educators – Small Grants Call £5,000

by | Jan 27, 2025 | Articles, News

Small Grants Call


Theme: ‘Creating the space to thrive: Empowering Educational Supervisors to deliver exceptional training’

Closing Date for submissions: 30th April 2025

Educational supervisors are pivotal in shaping the development of doctors in training. Supervising well, requires not only skill and commitment but also the right conditions.

This research call seeks to explore the idea of “time to train”—understanding when and how supervisors are best able to deliver meaningful, high-quality supervision.

We welcome applications that delve into the factors that influence a supervisor’s ability to provide effective support, and explore how timing, emotional bandwidth, and workplace culture impact the quality of interactions between supervisors and trainees.

Through this initiative, Medical Education Leaders UK hope to generate insights that will inform strategies to optimize the supervision process, ensuring both trainees and supervisors can thrive within a supportive and effective learning environment.

The grants are not intended to supplement the natural support that institutions should give to individuals and therefore cannot be used to pay course fees, computing equipment, overheads, research assistants/associates or conference attendance and similar.
All recipents of the small grants award will be contractually obligated to produce an end-of-project report to Medical Education Leaders UK executive and to make, via open licence, any teaching/learning resource produced, available via Medical Education Leaders UK website to its membership.
£5,000 is the maximum funding available, but can be split into smaller grants, (bids for smaller amounts of funding are welcomed and encouraged).
Successful applicants will be invited to present at the Annual Conference after their project has been completed and are expected to present their results at DEMEC or an equivalent conference with use of the Medical Education Leaders logo and recognition as the funder.  Please note that registration, travel and accommodation for the Annual Conference or other conferences are NOT covered by this award.

If the above criteria are not met then Medical Education Leaders UK reserve the right to reject the submission.  The Medical Education Leaders UK Education Research Committee may ask for a more detailed proposal from those short-listed.  Applications from experienced and novice researchers are welcome, but notives must describe mentoring arrangements to ensure project delivery.

We reserve the right not to make an award if the applications are not of sufficient merit.

All submissions must come from a current member of Medical Education Leaders UK.

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