Training Recovery Toolkit

Home 9 Articles 9 Training Recovery Toolkit

by | Oct 4, 2022 | Articles, News, Wellbeing

In April 2021, HEE established the Post Graduate Medical Education (PGME) Training Recovery Programme to work with system partners to recover postgraduate medical training opportunities lost during the pandemic.  HEE have negotiated a further year of funding to invest into PGME training recovery interventions.

To support ideas for spending the funding they have developed the Training Recovery Toolkit which can be accessed through your NHS HEE sharepoint account here

The toolkit is an easy to navigate web-based resource with multi-professional and specialty-specific training recovery case studies as well as contact details for individuals and teams to help with any educator queries about training recovery, interventions and funding.

The resources are dynamic and will continue to be developed and added to in the future.  To give feedback or offer suggestions on content for the training recovery toolkit, please contact the team via



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