Improving the working lives of doctors in training letter

Home 9 News 9 Improving the working lives of doctors in training letter

by | Apr 26, 2024 | News

NHS England and NHS WTE wrote to trust leaders with a requirement for renewed focus on improving the lives of working doctors. While it was not in their remit to discuss pay, there was engaged listening over a series of roundtable events to a multi stakeholder group incorporating training doctors from primary and secondary care, the AMoRC Trainee Doctors group, DMEs, Medical directors, HR and others. This was personally led by Amanda Pritchard, Dr Navina Evans and Dr Sheona McLeod and supported by ministers and the Secretary of State for Health. Here they take steps to develop a programme of required actions and an accountable line up to board level to deliver on these promises. These are the first steps in bringing some quality and uniformity to longstanding frictions for all staff, but ones that impact doctors who rotate most of all.

  • Increase choice and flexibility
    • Improve rota management
    • Accountability and compliance monitoring that rotas are issued in time


  • Reduce duplicative inductions and payroll errors
    • Improve payroll accuracy and resolution times
    • Support organisations with high payroll errors


  • Create a sense of value and belonging for our doctors
    • Protecting training time for learners and educators
    • Addressing rotation specific issues
    • Adopting the NHS digital passport
    • Reducing the burden of StatMand training
    • Paying for courses upfront


  • Longer term workstreams on improving rotation experience and rolling out the Lead Employer Model


There was acknowledgement in the room that this is the start of the journey and there is more work to be done, but this was a strong signal that there is commitment to tackling the frictions of training in the NHS to improve working lives.

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