Individual 2024

Home 9 Membership 9 Individual 2024

Membership is open to all Leaders in Medical Education and anyone with an interest in medical education. Historically members have been Clinical Tutors. However the recent changes in postgraduate medical education have led to many new leadership roles such as Foundation and Specialty Training Programme Directors, Directors of Medical Education, SAS/LED Doctors and Associate Deans with various responsibilities.

Membership Benefits

  • receive regular updates and information via the information cascade and web site
  • access the members section of the website where many useful resources can be found for local adaptation
  • attend our meetings and training courses at a discounted rate
  • be considered for election as a regional representative on our Council
  • receive our in-house newsletter “Clinical Tutor” published 3 times a year
  • link to ASME “Clinical Teacher” electronically
  • apply for the annual Travelling Fellowship to North Carolina
  • have electronic access to the annual Directory of Postgraduate Medical Centres

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World Teachers Day 5th October 2024

Our focus this year is on “Empowering Educators: Strengthening Resilience, Building Sustainability.” We are sharing some resources to support this and hope you will enjoy getting creative to celebrate and empower the educators in your organisations.